Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

Anna: Hello. My name is Anna. I am one of the owners of the gang. I am writting to tell you what has been going on around here. First things first, Gracie has been getting along great with the other dogs. Recently, however, my dog Bear had to find a new home. My parents were very mad and were tried of him chewing up everything in his path. So he was given to one of my mothers friends. Oh, and i am going to start new sections to the blog, one for the cats and one for the dogs. This time its the cats turn. Hey Smokey and Lighting.

Smokey: Hey Anna. I am still mad that you made me stay inside on Saturday.

Lighting: You know she always makes me and you stay inside on Halloween. She is only protecting us because we both have black fur. She doesn't want us to get hurt.

Smokey: I know, but I wanted to meet new people and sit outside in my new hidding spot.

Anna: You mean the tree in the front yard.

Smokey: HEY! Don't tell everyone!

Anna: Sorry. But its not a very good hidding spot.

Smokey: But its my favorite and I dont care if everyone can see me.

Anna: Ok. Time to go everyone. Bye! Oh, and Dusty and Gracie say Hi and Bye as well.

Lighting and Smokey: Bye!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! It is good to hear from you again! We are sorry about Bear, but he was a handful. Hopefully his new home will be better for him.
