Monday, August 10, 2009

Our First Blog

Smokey: Hey, my name is Smokey. I am black outdoor/indoor cat. I live with tons of other male and female pets.

Lighting: I'm Smokey's sister Lighting. I am a black and white tuxsido cat. I am also an outdoor/indoor cat like my brother.

Dusty: I am Dusty. I am a yellow labrador retriver. I live with the cats and my good friend Bear.

Bear: Hey, my name is Bear. I am a black labradoor and I am the youngest out of all the animals at my owners house.

Smokey: We have 4 owners but our favorite would have to be the one called Anna. She is the one who takes the best care of us. The oldest too, a male and a female, also take care of us but not all the time. Mainly Anna does.

Lighting: But don't forget about the little one. The one they all call "the toddler". Sometimes he forgets how to be soft with us animals.

Bear: Well we better get going. I can hear Anna calling us for feeding time.

Dusty: Maybe she will go out and play outside agin!!!!!

Bear: Maybe she will. See yall later.

Everyone: BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Great to meet ya'll. This is Shadow I live at Anna's aunts house. We can't wait to read more and get to know you all!

    Hugs and Love,
    Shadow and the rest...
